Borislav Pekić: Davor-Siftar-dodela Goranove nagrade za Atlantidu-Lukovdol 1989. / Author: Unknown. / Source: Ljiljana Pekić. / CC BY-SA 3.0 / Reproduced with the permission of Ljiljana Pekić.
Scene from the movie Sloboda ili strip, Yugoslavia 1972 by Želimir Žilnik. This documentary was shot on a train between Münich and Belgrade during the Christmas season in December 1971. / Source: / Reproduced with the permission of Želimir Žilnik.
Scene from the shooting Sloboda ili strip, Yugoslavia 1972 by Želimir Žilnik. / Source: / Reproduced with the permission of Želimir Žilnik.
Scene from the movie Rani radovi, Yugoslavia 1969 by Želimir Žilnik. Rani radovi recount a story of young people who took part in student demonstrations in June 1968 in Belgrade. / Source: / Reproduced with the permission of Želimir Žilnik.
Glas Omladine – Novi Sad List Saveza Socijalističke Omladine Vojvodine, 80-ih. / Photo: Željko Građin. / Reproduced with the permission of Željko Građin.
Beatrice Concert, Budapest, 1978. Photo: Fortepan / Urbán Tamás, CC BY-SA 3.0
György Krassó at his Home with Ágnes Háy, Budapest, 1984. Photo: Fortepan / Tibor Philipp & Dominique Auerbacher, CC BY-SA 3.0
Kassák Club, Dance House of Sebő Ensemble, Budapest, 1976. Photo: Fortepan / Urbán Tamás, CC BY-SA 3.0
The Mini Band, Budapest, 1968. Photo: Fortepan / Dávid Sándor, CC BY-SA 3.0
Buda Youth Park, Budapest, 1969. Photo: Fortepan / Unknown, CC BY-SA 3.0
Book Cover of Boudník, Vladimír. Mezi avantgardou a undergroundem [Between avant-garde and underground]. Prague: [s.n.], 2004. ISBN: 9788086010779. Source: PRIMUS, Zdenek. Author: foto Vladislav Michálek, obálka Petr Babák / CC BY-SA 4.0
Savka Dabčević-Kučar speaks at the Republic Square in Zagreb during the Croatian reformist movement – Croatian Spring (Zagreb, 7 May 1971) / © 2011 The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography) / Photo/Source: Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža / License granted
Bratislava, August 1968 / Photo: Ladislav Bielik / Source: Slovak National Gallery / License granted
Poet Mircea Dinescu and his wife, while leaving the residence of the Dutch Ambassador to Bucharest, Coen Stork, who helped him send his dissident poems and critical articles to western publishers, 2 February 1989 / Photo: Securitate surveillance / Source: Archive of CNSAS
Observationsfoto of the community hall of the East-Berlin Zionskirche, where the „Umweltbibliothek“ resided. 4 March 1987 / Source: Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft
Title: “Vizită de lucru” (Working Visit). Author: Mihai Stănescu. Date: 1983. Censored caricature. Reproduced with the kind permission of the author.
Žarana Papić (© 2014 Centar za ženske studije, Belgrade) / Source: Center for Female Studies, Belgrade
Protest Against the Construction of the Bős-Nagymaros Barrage, 1989. Photo: Fortepan / TM, CC BY-SA 3.0
Plac Konstytucji, Warsaw, 1989. Photo: Fortepan / TM, CC BY-SA 3.0
„Television for Each School!“ Action. Workers of Duna Iron Mill Present a Television to a Local School in Bács-Kiskun County, 1971. Photo: Fortepan / Rádió- és Televízió Újság, CC BY-SA 3.0
ATI Driver Training School, 1983. Photo: Fortepan / Magyar Rendőr, CC BY-SA 3.0
Shooting the Film „Fekete vonat,“ 1970. Photo: Fortepan / Pál Schiffer, CC BY-SA 3.0
Exhibition Opening at the 2nd Reformatory School of the Ministry of Culture. Photo: Fortepan / Urbán Tamás, CC BY-SA 3.0