Art critic and theoretician. Co-founder of the legendary avant-garde Galeria Foksal established in 1966, which for many years was considered the most prestigious and ambitious Polish art gallery. Co-author of its fundamental texts and programmes.
She studied at the Catholic University of Lublin, where she defended her master thesis on the paintings of Tadeusz Kantor, whom she met at that time. During her studies she became friends with the future art critic Wiesław Borowski. Both of them where among the founders of the Foksal Gallery.
She emigrated to Paris in 1970. Privately she was the life partner of Edward Krasiński, a neo-avant-garde painter and an author of installations (plus, another co-founder of Galeria Foksal). Subsequently, she became the partner of Eustachy Kossakowski, a photographer of the life of Polish art milieus of the 1960s.
Borowski Wiesław, in an interview with Agnieszka Sural, Wystarczy wierzyć dobrym artystom,, 2015,
Polit Paweł (ed.), Edward Krasiński Elementarz ABC, Kraków 2008.