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Exchange Gallery

The Exchange Gallery was established by the artist, movie-maker and animator Józef Robakowski, in 1978 in his private flat in Łódź. Throughout the next decade, the Exchange Gallery became one of the most important sites of so-called independent art movement, as well as one of the nodes of global neo-avant-garde net.



  • Poljski

Zvaničan naziv zbirke

  • Exchange Gallery

Istorijat zbirke

Opis sadržaja

Podatak o vrsti sadržaja

  • drugi umetnički radovi (koje se ne mogu klasifikovati drugim kategorijama filtera kao što sus like, skulpture, grafike, itd.): 1000-



Geografski opseg

  • međunarodni

Datum osnivanja

  • 1978

Mesto osnivanja

Važni događaji u istoriji kolekcije

Tip pristupa

  • posete sa terminskim sporazumom

Autor opisa zbirke

  • Stanczyk, Xawery


Schwarz, Isabelle. "Exchange Gallery / Galeria Wymiany." In Archive fur Kunstlerbulikationen der 1960 er bis 1980 er Jahre. Koeln: Salon Verlag, 2008.

Żywa Galeria. Łódzki progresywny ruch artystyczny 1969-1992, Warszawa: Zachęta, 1997.

Sztuka wymiany. Kolekcja Józefa Robakowskiego. Uśpiony kapitał 4, Warszawa: Fundacja Profile, 2013.

Robakowski, Józef , interview by Stanczyk, Xawery, August 28, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2017-12-13 23:00:00